Monday, May 10, 2010


hi my name is Telia i am eleven years old. I am in 5 grade going into 6 grade.I love reading books and my most favorite series of books are vampire kisses.(i know sounds weird but its a really good book).I am doing this blog to help people learn more about mammals and reptiles, fish and birds.(and that includes human babies being born).In this project i will tell you how long it takes large animals to give birth, and i know it might sound boring but what you will learn will surprise read my blog and who knows it might even help you with a report on animals.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

brith discoveries animals

Being in the womb isn't as easy as it looks or as safe as you think.Most people think that being inside your mothers womb is the most safest place but that isn't correct.Being in the womb is still dangers.Did you know that when a baby shark is still in its mothers stomach that it eats its brothers and sisters to survive, the baby shark consumes there siblings until there is only one standing.Think of it, what if you had a brother or sister and you had to consume them to survive(ewe that would be so gross good thing we have those cords in our bellybutton so that we could get food from our mothers stomach).

when a baby kangaroo is born, it is born premature(premature means when the baby is not fully grown or is not up to full health.a baby kangaroo can not leave there mothers pouch until they are 190 days old. so technically if the baby kangaroo leaves their mothers pouch it could possibly die.its the same way with humans except that we are not born premature, if we were to leave our mothers stomach before we reached nine months then there is a chance that we wouldn't survive. 1 out of 4 babies are born premature.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

penguin at brith

In Antarctica its freezing cold,would you want to be born there if not then imagine  an penguin being born there with nothing to keep them warm but an egg shell and  fur from its parents.I mean Antarctica is the coldest place in the world(and you think new york is cold in the winter)At any time a penguin could loose there life  to the most coldest place in the world, but when spring comes into view we have cute little chubby penguins being born with no worries.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

how long animals are pregnant for

here are some animals who are pregnant for years or months.
An Indian elephant is pregnant for 624 days, a black rhino is pregnant for 504 days, a giraffe is pregnant for 425 day, a gray rhino is pregnant for 480 days, and a camel is pregnant for 400 days.

A donkey is pregnant for 374 days, a whale for 360 days, a horse is pregnant for 356 days, a cow for 284 days, a grizzly bear is pregnant for 220 days, and a human is pregnant for 9 months or 266 days.

A sheep is pregnant for 150 days, a goat for 145 days, a pig is pregnant for 114 days, a lion 108, A scorpions are pregnant for 90-540 days, a cat is for 58-65 days, a dog is for 50-70 days, a bobcat is pregnant for 60 days, a golden eagle is for 44 days.

A skunk is pregnant for 31 days, a mouse/rat is pregnant for 21 days, a hamster is pregnant for 16 days, and an opossum is pregnant for 12 days.

Larger animals are pregnant for many years and smaller animals are pregnant for a few months or days.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

baby human knowledge

people think that when a baby is inside its mothers stomach that the baby cant hear,remember or memorize something.When the truth is that a baby can feel and react to the surroundings inside them even thought its in its mothers stomach(OK what i am saying that since a live human being is growing inside that it is talking in the things that it hears like its connected to you in some way).For example you put on a loud reckless music the baby will react to it in away by moving around, but when you put on soothing music it Will calm down and when you continue listening to this music the baby will memorize it and will be ready to jump into the song at anytime.